
Passwords play a key role when it comes to security and data confidentiality. Whether it be on your desktop or on servers across the web, passwords are a great way to keep data from falling into the wrong hands. It is everyone's responsibility to make sure that passwords are difficult to guess. A secure password isn't necessarily easy to achieve. Your password may be weaker than you think.

Blog Passwords

Don’t Use a Password Protection on wp-admin Folder

June 9, 2016 0 comments

On the Internets you will find many posts that explain how to use a password protection on your back-end using a auth password. There is a problem But there is one big problem with that is it will break all your and requests. In the WordPress Codex you will find a page that will explains how to implement AJAX. You’ll read […]

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“My Password is Strong!” Really?

May 15, 2015 2 comments

Passwords, these sesames giving access to all your data almost. When will we need a password to read your mind? Whether your mailbox, your credit card, your phone, your bank account, even your car, passwords are everywhere. The human being is intelligent, and for that, he tries to be lazy in order to save time […]

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