
Security Terminology


In computer security, when something becomes vulnerable, that means an attacker can now try to exploit a vulnerability on this system. Your website can be vulnerable to an special attack, you computer can be vulnerable too, and or course humans are vulnerables too, specially when you are targeted by phishing emails.

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Security Flaw

A security flaw is a involuntary weakness despite the developer and in contrary of a malicious flaw. This is a vulnerability, that can be exploited but not designed to be. Usually the developer takes this seriously and release a patch to fix this security flaw. Security flaws are not created but discovered.

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Cross-Site Scripting Example

Now that you know what is a XSS attack, lets read some Cross-Site scripting examples. Reflected XSS Let’s say an attacker encounter a URL with a parameter containing a message like this: http://example.com/?message=You+are+now+logged-in And the page contains this exact message. This means that anything passed in this parameter named message will be printed in the page. To […]

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Backing up or running a backup, is the result of the copying and archiving data so it may be used later to restore the original after a data loss event for example. Backups are useful in 2 situations: Recover data after its loss, deletion or even corruption. Recover data from the past (depending on the data […]

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WordPress Security

WordPress security is taken very seriously, but as with any other system there are potential security issues that may arise if some basic security precautions aren’t taken. (Codex) Web security is not an absolute, as many other things, it’s a continuous process and should be managed as such. Security is about risk reduction, not risk […]

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