
SecuPress has left WP Media

Blog SecuPress SecuPress has left WP Media

Some History

Back in 2014, Jonathan, Jean-Baptiste and me co-founded WP Media. We almost had the same creation way in mind. WP Rocket was our first product, and then we created 2 more products.

This error, the creation of Imagify and SecuPress at the same time, cost us a lot and we think it’s a fail today.

The Errors

It is hard to create 2 products at the same time, remember that WP Rocket still had to grow to pay everyone and  more for the 2 other products now. Then WP Media grown in people, we had to manage that too.

The other error is that we did not budgetize the product creation, so SecuPress gave the impression to eat eat eat on WP Rocket. The product still needed some resources that WP Media could not afford. The ROI date streched out.

Time Flies

With time, we 3 co-founders had more accurate opinions and most of the time opposite ones. This lead us to a deadend even with our open mind, all is not easy with open minds too.

Jonathan and Jean-Baptiste announced me that they wanted to stop the collaboration between WP Media and me, but they handed SecuPress over because they know that SecuPress is “my” product..

It’s true that since 2012 this idea was in my mind, the plugin was already started. Without WP Media, SecuPress would not be what it is today on all the points, I thank them for the budget gave to SecuPress during this time..


WP Media is not in charge of SecuPress anymore but SecuPress is still alive and strong, I’m the one in charge now, I left WP Media, I don’t have any company’s shares now and I’m enjoying it. In my structure SecuPress does not cost a lot because I’m alone. Also, this happened 2 months ago, you see nothing? It’s because all is fine!

SecuPress sales since the release

Good Bye

I also want to thank every people at WP Media with whom I’ve share things, with each of them I shared something, all those privates jokes, these winks, the help and good mood. Double thanks to the ones who DM me on twitter after the split to have news from me, I’m good!

Good bye WP Media, each of us will learn from the mistakes, it’s life after all!