 * Plugin Name: SecuPress Salt Keys
 * Plugin URI: https://secupress.me
 * Description: Good Security Keys for your sites
 * Version: 1.0.2
 * Generation ID: 1737507892.0846
 * License: GPLv2
 * License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
 * Copyright 2012-2020 SecuPress

defined( 'ABSPATH' ) or die( 'Cheatin\' uh?' );


$hash_1     = 'Lu&fcgtg%yP2i)4TSQ5Kx2Hf^waYGJzz@jTl1BkIDn7Q%kkYtOfzQBsaEp!RW7lc';
$hash_2     = '@^qwBkRK8&qc$Y!cE3SoAXq#XNz^(vqp^ntcXMaNV$zUKxOlqE#)eetiq5mZc2WN';
$file_str   = __FILE__ . date( 'Ym' ); // Remove the `m` to prevent keys from changing every month, remove the date() fct to prevent any change.
$hash_1    .= $hash_2;
$file_str  .= $hash_2;

foreach ( $main_keys as $main_key ) {
	if( ! defined( $main_key ) ) {
		define( $main_key, sha1( 'secupress' . $main_key . md5( $main_key . $file_str ) ) . md5( $main_key . $file_str ) );

unset( $file_str, $main_key, $main_keys, $hash_1, $hash_2 );